Minor in Indic Design
Indic Studies is an interdisciplinary programme which is focused upon exploring the essence of Indic aesthetics, its appreciation and transformative nature in terms of applications in design. The core competency of this programme is based upon the synthesis of Indian Art and Culture, Craftsmanship, and Folklore. A number of indigenous themes are reflected today on a wide range of handcrafted products across India and abroad. The framework of Indic Studies is also entailed with a number of funded projects supported by Ministry of Culture, Government of India. These projects are an opportunity for earning while learning. Though the foundation of this programme is deep rooted to Indian subcontinent but in a broader perspective, it has the potential to create a global impact, both from a decolonizing and futuristic perspectives.

Course Structure
The programme is structured with a learner – centric approach where equal importance has been given to individual perspectives. As foundational bricks of the programme, curriculum provides an opportunity for learners to:
- Gain knowledge and insights about various art forms of India including theatre, poetry, visual arts, and performing arts.
- Develop an understanding about the Indian folklore.
- Explore the wide range of Indian craftsmanship.
- Immerse in the transformative nature of Indic aesthetics and its application in specialized areas of design.
- Become a part of funded projects.
The programme is aimed at contributing to the revival of Indian Art and culture while creating a global impact.
Subjects of the Curriculum
The curriculum of Indic studies is divided into five semesters of 6 months each. The minor degree programme commences after one year of foundation and stretches up until seventh semester. Within each semester a broad area of Indic perspective is discussed through various art forms including theatre, poetry, visual arts, performing arts, traditional crafts, and Indian folklore. The details of subjects within Indic Studies are as mentioned below:
- Art and Aesthetics
- Art Experience
- Indian Theatre
- Indian Literature
- Indian Classical Music and Dance
- Indian Folklore
- Crafts of India
- Design Project
Career Paths
- Designer
- Couturier
- Entrepreneur
- Design Director
- Design Manager
- Creative Head
- Design Consultant
- Creative Director
- Academician
- Design Critic